Leadership Retreat Wrap-Up

Dear Members and Future Members,

From June 1-3, AIGA Chapter leaders gathered together with national staff and board members to meet, learn and share ideas on how we can improve our presence and programming within our individual design communities. We were lucky to have the opportunity to send two representatives from Mobile.

We learned that leaders in each of our collective communities are doing some amazing things. Whether is is providing mentorship opportunities to young designers in Atlanta or Orlando, creating programs that celebrate our diversity in Nebraska or bringing US Military Veterans and Designers together to create and learn from one another in West Michigan – we learned that many hands make light work and we can make these things happen in Mobile as well.

We also learned that we can’t have “chapter envy.” AIGA Mobile is only two years old and in two years we have accomplished some fantastic things. We need to be inspired by what our sister chapters are doing and begin to implement those ideas here, in our own unique “Mobile” way.

I want to thank you all for saying “I belong here” and remind you that we are uniquely positioned to bring design to the forefront in Mobile. You are the visualizers and thinkers in our community who will help us make that happen.

Thank you,
Megan Cary
President, AIGA Mobile

By aigamobile
Published June 7, 2017
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