Presented by AIGA Mobile and the Women's Business Center of South Alabama
Skill Salon: Business Plans for Freelancers & Start Ups
Sunday, September 25, 1pm, The Pillars
Have you considered taking your freelance business or start up idea to the next level?
Any business starts with an idea and a plan! Join us as Rosalyn Spencer, Training Manager at the Women’s Business Center of South Alabama, guides you through the steps of building a viable business plan and learn about the resources available to help you on your journey. Light refreshments provided.
$5 Members (AIGA Mobile & WBA)
$10 Non-Members
About the Speaker
Roslyn Spencer, Training Manager, Women's Business Center of South Alabama
Ms. Spencer holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Alabama. She has an extensive background in training, marketing and management, having spent over ten years developing curriculum through the National Big Brothers Big Sisters program for adults, teens and children. In addition to mentoring and training experience, she values community service, having served several times with the Americorps Corporation for National Community Service.