A look at our Homegrown Mobile event!

We continue to be amazed by the support our design community keeps showing our growing organization!  Over 6o people showed up to Homegrown Mobile in November to enjoy a feature a moderated Q&A panel of local creative professionals. Panelists included Tim Dozier and Courtney Smith of Hummingbird Ideas, Erica Hunter design educator at Bishop State Community College, photographer Toni Riales and Matthew Johnson an industrial designer and product development manager at Crown Products. Our moderator was diane gibbs, design educator at USA and creator/host of the Design Recharge show.

Thank you to our in-kind sponsors who generously donated space, food, drinks and prizes for our event: The Exchange 202, Fairhope Brewing, Fairhope Roasting, Foosackly’s and Jaguar Gulf Coast & Land Rover Gulf Coast.

Images from the Event (Photos by Heath Vester): 

By Megan Cary
Published December 5, 2015
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