This fall we have a lot of events planned that you should be excited about (and I’m not just saying it because I’m the Programming Director). We have compiled the responses from the surveys given out at our Community Mixer and planned out events for the rest of the year. Here’s a sneak peek at to what to look forward to this Fall.
1. First is a back-to-school laser tag night at Laser Zone. Design students and seasoned professionals are welcome to join us and fight it out. Mark down August 26th at 6PM for this free to attend event, games are $8 per session.
2. September 14th, is our next community meeting with the theme “Contemporary Co-Op,” held in the new co-working space The Exchange 202. The Exchange, describes itself as a “coworking community developing people and organizations,” and brings a new concept to Mobile. It breaks the traditional office space – you won’t find cubicles or have to write TPS reports. Also, this night Marcus Neto will speak about his agency Blue Fish and their modern virtual working space.
3. Deeper into the fall, on November 10th, we will have our first Homegrown series. This event will feature a panel of local designers, artists and industry professionals. Those on the panel will represent in-house, agency, photography, production and sales/business. They will introduce themselves and then a Q&A will follow. Stay tuned to see who is on the panel.
4. If you enjoyed our Drink & Draw event, then you’ll love what we have planned for our Christmas party. More graphic design games and of course, we’ll have ugly sweaters! If you want more details then like us on Facebook to get invites to all this events.