8 Useful Side Skills for Designers

by Brittany Davis | AIGA Mobile Professional Development Director

Designers often wear many hats and are expected to be adept in a variety of disciplines. Senior creatives are charged with managing teams. Web designers are asked to code. More and more job descriptions prefer video editing experience.

Gaining new skills can certainly be a career enhancer. For in-house designers, it could make them a more valuable team member. For agency designers, it may mean a promotion or raise. For freelancers, it could open up more income opportunities. Animation, photography, and JavaScript are attractive lines on a resume, but best of all, they could inspire a new hobby, side business, or passion project!

Here are eight side skills with online learning resources that designers can use to grow as artists, business owners, leaders, and developers:

Animation & Motion Graphics

Business & Marketing

Coding & Development


Drawing & Illustration

Leadership & Management

Lettering & Calligraphy

Video & Photography

By aigamobile
Published September 9, 2020
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